5G Harmonised Research and Trials for Service Evolution Between EU and China
To build pre-commercial end-to-end testbeds in two cities with sufficient coverage to perform extensive eMBB and Internet of Vehicles (IoV) trials.
To develop and trial key 5G technologies and services, including (but not limited to) massive multi-input multi-output (MIMO) at 3.5GHz, end-to-end network slicing, mobile edge computing (MEC) for low latency services and V2X, Software-defined networking (SDN) for transport and core network.
To develop and trial cross-domain network slicing techniques across two regions for new services.
To demonstrate IoV services using Vehicle-to-Network (V2N) and Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communications operating at 3.5GHz and 5.9GHz, respectively.
To analyse potential system interoperability issues identified during the trials in both regions and to provide joint reports, white papers, and recommendations to address them accordingly.