SPI – Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação

Kick-off (KO) meeting of the project MAIA at Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3)


Kick-off (KO) meeting of the project MAIA at Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3)

SPI attended the Kick-off (KO) Meeting of the MAIA (Maximising Impact and Accessibility of European Climate Research) project on 26th – 27th September at the Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) in Bilbao, Spain.

MAIA is a Horizon Europe project which acts as an impact multiplier by providing social and technological structures as well as an active outreach campaign to accompany, facilitate and maximise the impact of climate research projects funded under Horizon Europe. SPI is a partner in the project and responsible for the work on Policy Outreach, which will strengthen the science-policy and science-civil society interfaces in state-of-the-art climate change research.

MAIA brings together a diverse team of partners which are committed to meeting the very high expectations of the European Commission for the project.