SPI – Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação

SPI at NGI Enrichers Kick-Off Meeting from October 11th to October 12th 2022


SPI at NGI Enrichers Kick-Off Meeting from October 11th to October 12th 2022

NGI Enrichers, the new Next Generation Internet Transatlantic Fellowship program funded by Horizon Europe (EU), supports the development of NGI technologies, services and standards that are needed for democratised and human-centred internet. NGI Enrichers provides funding and other support to European-based NGI specialists, researchers and innovators from the public and the private sector (including project owners), who work in the EU countries and in the countries associated to Horizon Europe, e.g. Armenia, Georgia, Israel, Serbia, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine and many other countries.

SPI was represented at the multiple initiatives that were part of this meeting through Sara Medina and Susana Seabra. Of special importance among those was the public presentation of the programme, which took place at the Consulate General of France in Chicago, on October 11th.

As part of the aforementioned presentation, insights from the project team and NCURA along with a speech from the Consul General of France were on offer.

During the rest of the Kick-Off Meeting, closed door activities occurred, at Fermilab, where there were a lot of productive and enriching discussions that aimed to maximize the project’s potential.

Fermilab (https://www.fnal.gov/) is America’s particle physics and accelerator laboratory. Their vision is to solve the mysteries of matter, energy, space and time for the benefit of all. Fermilab strives to:

  • lead the world in neutrino science with particle accelerators
  • lead the nation in the development of particle colliders and their use for scientific discovery
  • advance particle physics through measurements of the cosmos

Many thanks to all the partners for attending the meeting, with a special mention to Fermilab and Consulate General of France for hosting all activities being in order!