SPI – Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação

SPI at the 2nd BlueMissionAA Citizen Science Campaign

BMAA Citizen Campaign

SPI at the 2nd BlueMissionAA Citizen Science Campaign

SPI, represented by Diana Sousa and Septian Setiawan, participated in the second BlueMissionAA Citizen Science Campaign that took place on December 1st, 2023. The session was held as a hybrid event in Cascais and through the webinar series Networking Fridays.

BlueMissionAA is focused on the restoration of marine and coastal ecosystems, and it aims to empower EU citizens to engage in preservation and restoration. Citizen Science Campaigns play a vital role in achieving these objectives by engaging EU citizens and different stakeholders (academics, researchers, educators, policymakers, and volunteers) in a collaborative exchange of knowledge, ideas, and experiences focused on addressing concerns in the Atlantic and Arctic basins.

The second edition of BlueMissionAA Citizen Science Campaign aimed to highlight the efforts of impact organizations such as SeaForester, Sustainable Ocean Alliance, Fauna & Flora, and Sciaena, all actively involved in ocean restoration across the Atlantic basins. This campaign provided a meaningful platform for dialogue and collaboration between citizens and these entities, ensuring widespread access to information on various aspects of ocean restoration efforts in the Atlantic regions. The session attracted over 30 participants, both in-person and online, and is available on YouTube or for those interested in reviewing the insights and discussions shared.

This campaign was developed within the framework of Work Package (WP) 5 – Citizen Engagement and Knowledge Transfer, under Task 5.2 – Citizen Engagement and cross-fertilisation with Lighthouse CSA´s, which is led by SPI.