SPI attended the Annual Consortium meeting of BlueMissionAA on the 29-30th of November 2023 in Cascais, Portugal
Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação (SPI), a consortium member of BlueMissionAA, attended the Annual Consortium Meeting that took place in Cascais, Portugal, from November 29th to 30th, 2023.
BlueMissionAA is a Coordinating and Supporting Action (CSA) funded by Horizon Europe that supports the implementation of the EU Mission “Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030” in the Atlantic and Arctic basins. The project focuses on the restoration of marine and coastal ecosystems and increased climate resilience.
The Annual Consortium Meeting marked the progress of the project and the review of activities for the first year. Project partners had the chance to share valuable perspectives and collaborate.
SPI, represented by Diana Sousa, Susana Seabra, and Septian Setiawan, presented the progress made in Task 5.2 – Engagement of Citizens and Cross-Fertilization with other Lighthouse CSAs, as well as in Task 6.1 – Project Coordination, by providing the essential data required for the mid-term periodic report to all the partners.
We would like to invite you to discover our mission and participate in our upcoming activities on the BlueMissionAA website: https://bluemissionaa.eu