SPI – Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação

SPI has developed a couple of workshops in Addis Ababa within the context of the Private Sector Development in Ethiopia (PSDE) project

EASE meeting

SPI has developed a couple of workshops in Addis Ababa within the context of the Private Sector Development in Ethiopia (PSDE) project

Within the context of the Private Sector Development in Ethiopia (PSDE) project, funded by the German Agency for International Cooperation (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH – GIZ), SPI has developed a couple of workshops in Addis Ababa, focusing on the development of the governance structure and business model of EASE, the Ethiopian Association of Start-up Ecosystem. One of the outputs of the big PSDE project is Output 3, Capacity Building of Intermediaries in the Ethiopian Innovation Ecosystem.

SPI is involved namely in Work Package 1, Capacity Enhancing of EASE, including as leader of Task 1.1, Co-drafting of statutes, terms and understandings, analysis of potential business models, governance structure and consortium agreements. The workshops were run in partnership with EBN, the European Business and Innovation Centre Network, and EASE members. SPI was represented by Douglas Thompson and Catarina Milhazes.