SPI – Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação

SPI hosts Dr. Tom Fleming, expert on cultural policy and the creative industries


SPI hosts Dr. Tom Fleming, expert on cultural policy and the creative industries

SPI was very happy to host Dr. Tom Fleming, director of TFCC, on the 27th of June at our Porto office. Tom is regarded as a global authority on cultural policy and the creative industries – advising governments, municipalities and institutions across the world to develop effective research, policy, strategy and action. He is passionate about the understanding of place and cultural identity and singularity. His curriculum highlights over 20 years of led strategic research projects in every region, undertaking cultural and creative industries baseline studies and strategies in over 60 countries and developing activities in 100s of cities across the world. Furthermore, Tom is also an expert adviser to UNESCO.

For one hour, Dr. Tom Flemming led an interesting discussion on global and Portuguese opportunities – highlighting the dynamic nature of the sector and the multidisciplinary interactions that it can drive.