SPI – Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação

SPI participated and co-organized the Annual Meeting and Academic Training of COMFOCUS from February 27th to 29th

SPI participated and co-organised the Annual Meeting and Academic Training of COMFOCUS from February 27th to 29th

From 27th to 29th of February, 2024 SPI as the leader of Work Package 2 – Networking, communication,

stakeholder engagement, attended and co-organized the Annual Meeting and Academic Training of the COMFOCUS project in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

The main goals of the Annual Meeting were:

  • Further “shaping” the COMFOCUS community with a focus on vibrance and sustainability;
  • Bringing COMFOCUS beyond the tipping point and show “proof of principle” of a Food Consumer Science integrated data and research infrastructure;
  • Making plans for the future “after COMFOCUS”.

COMFOCUS consortium also welcomed its fellows at the Academic training and provided insightful learning by the project mentors. The Academic Training aims to demonstrate and disseminate harmonized measurements, protocols, datasets and to study best practices in the field of food consumer science (FCS).