SPI – Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação

SPI participation in CONSORTIUM MEETING & GENERAL ASSEMBLY 13th-15th June, 2023, Reykjavik, Iceland


SPI participation in CONSORTIUM MEETING & GENERAL ASSEMBLY 13th-15th June, 2023, Reykjavik, Iceland

SPI as the leader of WP1, attended the recent Consortium Meeting & General Assembly held in Reykjavik, Iceland from June 13th to June 15th, 2023. The meeting focused on various topics related to sustainable energy and zero-carbon communities. The meeting included workshops on creating bankable and viable Positive Energy Districts (PEDs) in cities. SPI had a role as workshop moderator to identify socio-economic and environmental benefits of use cases which were presented by LHs and FCs as part of their project implementation tasks.

Presentations were given on the current status and goals of the SPARCs project, as well as the development of green housing and the Hlemmur mobility hub. A field visit to the Hlemmur mobility hub provided an opportunity to explore sustainable mobility solutions.  The meeting also included presentations on ecological initiatives and a field visit to the Hellisheidi Geothermal Power Plant, one of the world’s largest geothermal power plants.

The meeting concluded with a summary of WP statuses and key learnings from the SPARCs project and an open discussion on wrapping up the project successfully.