SPI – Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação

SPI participation in RESPONSE Consortium Meeting 6-8 June 2023 in Turku, Finland


SPI participation in RESPONSE Consortium Meeting 6-8 June 2023 in Turku, Finland

SPI has attended the recent RESPONSE Consortium Meeting that took place from 6th to 8th June 2023 in city of Turku, Finland.

The aim of the RESPONSE Consortium Meeting in Turku, Finland, was to foster collaboration, knowledge sharing, and innovation among partners involved in the RESPONSE project. The event aimed to create a collaborative environment where consortium partners could share expertise, ideas, and innovative solutions related to sustainable urban development. Workshops, presentations, and site visits provided opportunities for knowledge exchange, while discussions focused on communication strategies, citizen engagement, replication roadmaps, and long-term climate adaptation actions. The meeting aimed to spark creativity, facilitate project progress updates, and contribute to the development of strategies for sustainable urban development and climate resilience.

SPI, as the leader of WP11, took charge of organizing and facilitating the workshop on Communication for Lighthouse Cities. The workshop provided an invaluable platform for partners from various organizations, including Turku and DM, to exchange ideas and insights on enhancing communication practices within the RESPONSE project focusing on final events of the project and video shootings.

In addition, SPI as the leader of T4.4, the Adoption of Proactive Climate Adaptation Strategies, to co-identify current and future climate vulnerabilities in Turku, encompassing areas such as human health, economy, and biodiversity and on co-identifying adaptation measures that would enhance the resilience of the city and its society to climate change. The workshop included presentations from the Municipality of Turku, who shared insights into the Turku Climate Plan 2029, and the University of Turku, who presented the temperature measuring process in Turku and Municipality of Dijon, presenting their Climate plan and activities.