SPI – Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação

SPI – Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação at EEHUR Kick-Off Meeting in Genova, Italy


SPI – Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação at EEHUR Kick-Off Meeting in Genova, Italy

EEHUUR (https://www.living-future.eu/ehhur/) project supports cities and vulnerable residents in transforming their built environment and will develop and test a co-designed methodological structure to support cities in their built environment transformation by using already existing good practices and complementing them with the New European #Bauhaus and EU Missions principles.

SPI, through Francisco Rocha, is currently participating in the KOM of #EHHUR- (EYES HEARTS HANDS Urban Revolution) Project kick-off meeting in Genova, Italy. SPI will be supporting the implementation of local SH engagement strategies and co-design activities in social housing buildings.

Many thanks to all involved parties in the organization of this meeting!