SPI – Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação at SARASWATI 2.0 Project Consortium in India (Kolkata)
SARASWATI 2.0 project (https://projectsaraswati2.com/), is jointly funded by the #HorizonEurope and by the Department of Science and Technology (DST)/Department of Biotechnology(DBT), Government of India. The project aims to identify the best available and affordable technologies for decentralized wastewater treatment with a scope of resource/energy recovery and reuse in rural and urban areas of India. SARASWATI 2.0 is led by BOKU and has an international consortium of a total of 17 institutions of which 10 partners are from Europe and associated countries and 7 Indian partners are from higher education institutions and the public research sector.
SPI participated in the SARASWATI 2.0 project consortium meeting in beautiful India (Kolkata), on December 6 and 7. The consortium meeting was organized by the project coordinator Markus Starkl from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences – BOKU, Prof. Makarand Ghangreka from the Indian Institute.
The event provided a forum for presenting and discussing the work developed by the partners managing the several pilot sites, introducing their monitoring strategies, general concept and observe the pilots social assessments. SPI is the leading partner responsible for the dissemination, communication and exploitation, alongside BOKU, MNIT and IIT Kharagpur. Andre Almeida PhD and Ana Fernandes on behalf of SPI attended the meeting and updated the partners on the project status and addressed the future work plan.
We are honoured to be part of the team, contribute to the project and enhance the collaboration between the EU and India. We strive for the SARASWATI 2.0 project to be evermore fruitful in the development and dissemination of its excellent water treatment technologies.