SPI takes part in the MONTEVITIS’ Consortium Meeting in Florence, Italy
On 6th-8th February, SPI – Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação, as the leader of Work Package 4 – Dissemination and Outreach, attended the Consortium Meeting of the MONTEVITIS project. The consortium meeting took place at the Department of Agriculture, Food, Environment and Forest Science & Technology of the University of Florence in Italy.
The MONTEVITIS Consortium Meeting aimed to consolidate an EU approach to climate change mitigation and adaptation, focusing on cases for Montenegro viticulture. The Consortium Meeting was able to create a collaborative environment where the consortium partners could share expertise, ideas, and innovative solutions related to the mitigation of climate change’s impact on viticulture.
During these days, the project’s second workshop on regional grapevine climate change adaptation methodologies took place, as well as a staff exchange on abiotic and biotic stressors and how to address them in viticulture.
These workshops, presentations, and the site visit to the Frescobaldi winery provided opportunities for knowledge exchange. Discussions on communication and dissemination strategies also helped to define the next steps. The meeting aimed to spark creativity, facilitate project progress updates, define research priorities for the next year, as MONTEVITIS has just entered its second year.